Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli became America’s most hated person when the public found out that he purchased Daraprim, a cheap pharmaceutical, and raised the price by 5,000 percent (we wish that was an exaggerated number).

Upon the backlash, Shkreli said he’d lower the price, but the deadline has passed and Daraprim remains ridiculously expensive. Last month, Shkreli announced that he would lower the price of Daraprim after raising the price practically overnight.

“We’ve agreed to lower the price of Daraprim to a point that is more affordable and is able to allow the company to make a profit, but a very small profit,” Shkreli said. However, the price remains the same.

Daraprim cost $13.50 per pill before the increase. It now costs anywhere between $750 to $900 per pill, depending on the patient’s locale. A 30-day, 30-pill supply of Daraprim could cost up to $27,000.

Shkreli wasted no time in raising the price of Daraprim, but he seems to be having trouble lowering it.

For more on this story, visit TechInsider2 weeks after controversial pharma CEO Martin Shkreli announced he would lower the price of Daraprim, it’s the exact same price”

Farron Cousins is the executive editor of The Trial Lawyer magazine and a contributing writer at DeSmogBlog.com. He is the co-host / guest host for Ring of Fire Radio. His writings have appeared on Alternet, Truthout, and The Huffington Post. Farron received his bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of West Florida in 2005 and became a member of American MENSA in 2009. Follow him on Twitter @farronbalanced