Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Cops Kill Man Serving Warrant At Wrong House – The Young Turks

Police killed Ismael Lopez while serving a warrant in the middle of the night at the wrong house. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the...

Trump Threatens The State Of Alaska After Senator Votes “NO” On Healthcare Repeal

Donald Trump is furious that a Republican senator from Alaska – Lisa Murkowski – will not vote for a bill that hasn’t been properly...

Senator Schumer: “Single Payer [Health Care] is On The Table”

The dawn has been slow in breaking for the Democratic Party, but beautiful to behold. After years of compromise, fence-sitting, backing down, hesitation and...

DuPont’s Water Supply Poisoning Documented In “The Devil We Know”

Producer, Kristin Lazure, joins Ring of Fire’s Sam Seder to continue talking about “The Devil We Know,” a new documentary that tells the story...

Is China’s ‘Benevolent’ Imperialism’ A Threat TO U.S. Interest? – Thom Hartmann Program

Thom takes calls who discuss China's expansion into Africa and the Caribbean through infrastructure projects, including building railroads and how this will change the...

U.S. Navy Ship Fires Warning Shot Across Bow Of Iranian Vessel – Benjamin Dixon Show

Radio talk show host Benjamin Dixon talks about an encounter with a U.S. Navy patrol boat and an Iranian vessel that saw warning shots...

Senators Caught On Hot Mic: Trump Is “Crazy”, “I’m Worried” – David Pakman Show

Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Susan Collins (R-ME) get caught on a hot microphone questioning President Trump's mental stability and belittling Rep. Blake...

Mother Of Gun Victim, Jordan Davis, Speaks Out – The Zero Hour

Whiles our nation’s capital is gripped with stories of Donald Trump’s misbehavior, budget and healthcare battles, our countries epidemic of gun violence continues. Richard...

Gaza Strip Declared Unlivable Due To Israeli Blockade – Redacted Tonight

The mainstream media revels in a narrative that paints all Muslims as terrorists. So it's no shock that recent news of deplorable living conditions...

Popular Diabetes Medication Linked to Kidney Failure – America’s Lawyer

Via America's Lawyer: According to latest data from the Centers for Disease Control, more than 29-million Americans suffer from diabetes, and nearly one of four...

Trump Claims He’s More Presidential Than All Past Presidents (Except Lincoln)

During a speech in Ohio this week, Donald Trump claimed that it was incredibly easy to act presidential, he just doesn’t think that’s what...

A Tale Of Two Populisms: The Trump Brand VS Economic Populism

Donald Trump likes to talk like a populist but nothing could be farther from the truth. Partner and senior vice president at Peter Hart...

Trump’s Tweets Were Analyzed By Scientists, They Conclude That He’s Not A Leader

A group of scientists have analyzed the speaking patterns, tones, and themes of Trump’s tweets for the last 8 months, and their conclusion is...

Pluralism vs. Authoritarianism – Laura Flanders Show

"No is not enough, says Naomi Klein, so if no isn't sufficient, what might...

Trump’s Feud With Jeff Sessions Has Created A Republican Civil War

Donald Trump’s attempted public humiliation of his Attorney General Jeff Sessions has reached a...

How Local Leaders Are Cleaning Up After Trump #BeInconvenient

ACTION: Tell your mayor you want 100% renewable energy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3baDkk_usY4 Without leadership from Washington, it’s more...

Rick Perry Discusses Energy Policy With Russian Pranksters “The Jerky Boys”

On Tuesday, it was discovered that former Texas Governor and current head of the...

Trump Continues to Attack Sessions – But Replacing Him Is Harder Than It Seems

By now, it is clear that just a week after he began doggedly attacking...

Feds Have Allowed The Opioid Epidemic To Grow

Ring of Fire’s Sam Seder and America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talk about the Opioid...

Latest Attempt to Pass Trumpcare Fails After Motion to Debate Passes

On Tuesday, Republican lawmakers celebrated a victory as they reached a near consensus to...

Prof. Richard Wolff On The “Better Deal” Platform – The Big Picture

Big Picture Interview: Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global...

The New Voice At The Madhouse – Mike Malloy Show

Radio talk show host Mike Malloy gives his thoughts on the new White House...

The Numbers Prove Opposing Donald Trump Is Not Enough! – Benjamin Dixon Show

Radio talk show host Benjamin Dixon talks about how disastrous the neoliberal center is,...