Below is a recap of our stories from the past week.


Papantonio: Time For Harry Reid to Step Down (Video)

Mike Papantonio appears on The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann to discuss the weak-willed Democratic leader of the Senate Harry Reid, and why, if he retains his leadership post, the Democrats will continue to lose battles against the Republican minority…


FDA To Merk: Make a Safer Osteoporosis Medication Than Fosamax

Internal Merck company documents disclosed during the recent trial of Scheinberg v. Merck reveal that the United States Food & Drug Administration “incessantly requested” that Merck make a safer osteoporosis medication than Fosamax..


Carnival Cruise Ship Triumph Adrift in Gulf of Mexico

The Carnival Cruise Ship “Triumph” was adrift Sunday after an engine room fire left the ship with no propulsion or air conditioning and operating on a backup generator for lighting…


Update: Carnival Triumph Bound for Mobile Port

Another Carnival Cruise Ship, the Carnival Triumph, is dead in the water in the Gulf of Mexico and being towed to port in Mobile, AL according to a statement on from Carnival’s CEO, Gerry Carhill. This comes almost two years after Carnival’s abrupt abandoning of its port in Mobile


Raytheon’s Sordid History of Anti-American Activities

One of the world’s top defense contractors, Raytheon Company, has been revealed to be the leading developer in software technology designed to track every move a user makes while online…


Papantonio: It’s Time to Prosecute Wall Street Criminals (Video)

If a person in the US were to walk into a bank and demand the teller hand over all the cash in the place, he’d be in handcuffs before he could even make it to the door. But when the bank owner does the same thing, we help them out by giving them billions of dollars in bailout money…


CISPA: Back From The Dead

Mike Rogers (R-MI) should learn from his prior foray into the American People’s privacy and President Obama’s vehement opposition to his once-defunct, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)…


The Papal Pink Slip

Pope Benedict XVI will be the first pope in nearly 600 years to resign from the papacy. Given the alternatives, retirement seems an attractive option…


The Ongoing GOP War on Women

It seems that Republicans are continuing to wage war on women. This month, Republicans in Michigan are pushing a bill that would force women to have an invasive ultrasound at least two hours before an abortion is performed…


Bailing Out Corporate Tax Dodgers

During the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression, Citigroup, Inc., one of the most well known financial institutions in the world, received billions in government bailout money. Now we learn that Citigroup has not paid federal income taxes for the last four years…


Zuckerberg & Christie’s Dinner For Schmucks

LGBT and women’s rights groups are taking note of who backs who, and this evening Mark Zuckerberg is hosting a fundraiser for New Jersey governor, Chris Christie (R-NJ) at his home in Palo Alto. Groups are taking to the web and the streets in protest of Zuckerberg’s implied support for the governor…


FDA Expected to Announce Stricter Metal-on-Metal Implant Standards

Tomorrow the FDA is expected to announce that it will finally tighten regulations on makers of metal-on-metal hip implant products.


Evidence Suggests DePuy Knew of Hip Implant Dangers

As the first trial for Johnson & Johnson’s DePuy ASR continues, the company can no longer hide the fact that they were well aware of the risks and issues with their metal-on-metal hip implant devices as early as 2007, three years before DePuy issued a recall for its ASR XL total hip arthroplasty (THA) product…


Robert Kennedy, Jr., Arrested Standing Against Keystone Pipeline (Video)

65% of Americans feel that climate change is a serious problem and many want the president to use his executive power to do something about it. Robert “Bobby” Kennedy, Jr., was arrested Wednesday along with other celebrities and protesters like Daryl Hannah, Julian Bond and Michael Brune after handcuffing themselves to fences outside the White House…


Ignorance of Fox News Knows No Bounds

Brian Kilmeade, Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer, who you can find on Twitter here:@kilmeade, @marthamaccallum, @billhemmer and let them know of your disapproval, dismissed Desiline Victor’s, the 102 year old woman who attended the State of the Union Address, wait to vote…


Papantonio: Senate Democrats Need Stronger Leader Than Reid (Video)

Mike Papantonio and Ed Schultz discuss the lack of strong leadership within the Democratic Party, especially from Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and how without that leadership, Democrats will continue to be trounced by Republican opposition…


Children’s Motrin Manufacturer Pays Millions For Drug Defects

Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiary, McNeil, have been ordered to pay $63 million to Samantha Reckis for failure to warn that its Children’s Motrin could potentially cause life-threatening reactions. The ruling came after a five week-long trial in a case that was filed by the Reckis family in 2007…


Who’s Funding Climate Change Denial?

It does not come as a surprise that extreme conservative ideologue billionaires are working to spread misinformation and incite tension, this time in the form of more than 100 anti-climate groups working to discredit the science behind climate change. Two trusts, Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund were created as way for the wealthy of the extreme right to secretly invest money into anti-environmental and climate change denial groups, and they have collected millions of dollars from foundations backing the likes of the Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scaife…


Bank of America Still Not Held Accountable for Deceptive Mortgages Practices

Bank of America (“BOA”) litigation woes continue and more claims are certainly on the horizon.  BOA recently announced an $11.6 billion settlement with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac…


Papantonio: Following The Money On The NRA (Video)

Mike Papantonio talks with Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture about the fear that is being sold to Americans by the NRA, all in an effort to sell more firearms for the NRA’s corporate benefactors.


Pradaxa Manufacturer Has History of Illegal Activities, Ties To Controversial Groups

Pradaxa has been linked to more than 500 deaths in the United States, yet it remains on the market as a “safe” drug. The FDA approved Pradaxa in October of 2010, as a new alternative to the existing anti-clotting drug warfarin; however, unlike warfarin (brand name Coumadin), there is no antidote to reverse Pradaxa’s blood-thinning effects…


GranuFlo Makes Massive Profits While Causing Heart Attacks

GranuFlo, a dialysis drug manufactured by German-based Fresenius Medical Care, has been linked to sudden cardiac arrest and death…