Stay up to date with the Ring of Fire Weekly Rewind. Below are the most popular stories from the past week.

Bikers Are More Toxic Than Cars According To GOP Science
In another round of questionable Republican Science, one GOPers’, Ed Orcutt (R-Kalama), comments about a new Washington-state bike tax shows complete lack of common sense and knowledge of basic science. This story was UPDATED as Mr. Orcutt later apologized for his statements.

California Jury Strikes Johnson & Johnson and Depuy with $8.3 Million Award
The California jury sent a clear message today that Johnson & Johnson and DePuy put profit over safety by awarding Loren Kransky, the plaintiff in the California case of Kransky v. DePuy Orthopedics, $ 8.3 million for damages caused by Mr. Kransky’s implantation and revision of the recalled DePuy ASR XL hip implant.

Papantonio: Obama Surrounds Himself With Spineless “Yes Men”

Obama Appoints Burwell, Wal-Mart Foundation President, To Direct OMB
Obama has a history of appointing business leaders that come from companies with questionable labor practices. And his recent nomination of Sylvia Matthews Burwell, president of the Walmart Foundation, as the director of the Office of Management and Budget seems in keeping with this legacy.

College Fires Woman For Having Pre-Marital Sex
A San Diego teacher is suing the Christian college where she worked before becoming pregnant.  Teri James, 29, alleges that San Diego Christian College fired her after she became pregnant because she engaged in pre-marital sex.

You may have noticed some changes to the site this past week and that’s because we’re trying some new things to make the site easier for you to navigate. We’ve added a section for related stories below our articles to help you find other content you may find informative and interesting. We’ve also synced comments to articles with Facebook.

Let us know what you think about the changes and any that you would like to see in the comments.