Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said on “Fox News Sunday” that “more whistleblowers” are to come forth with testimony about the Benghazi attacks, reports The Washington Post.  The fiasco continues, even after House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) admitted “that the facts as we were told before during and after the attack at Benghazi just simply aren’t what they really were” when speaking after the first oversight hearing.

What the Obama administration is covering up still remains unclear, according to ThinkProgress.  

What began as an attempt to jab the Obama Administration’s credibility has gained steam as an all out witch hunt.  Recently, a collection of e-mails surfaced that displayed headbutting between the CIA and the State Department about who will expose the narrative of the attacks.  

In accusing Obama of a cover-up, the GOP overlooks one strong fact.  The Senate homeland security committee released a report indicating that any “changes characterizing the attacks as ‘demonstrations’ and removing references to al-Qaeda . . . were made within the CIA and the intelligence community.”  The report also notes “that the only change made by the White House was to change a reference of ‘consulate’ to ‘mission.’”  

Despite there being no evidence that could condemn the Obama Administration of any wrongdoing, the GOP is still pursuing this political assault.  The GOP is doing exactly what they are admonishing the president of supposedly doing, using and manipulating the attacks into a move for political gain.  This sounds devastatingly similar to how the Bush Administration used the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 as a platform to invade Iraq.  

The Center for Public Integrityreleased a report noting close to 1000 false statements made by the Bush Administration the two years following the attacks on the World Trade Center.  As if the situation couldn’t be backwards enough, Dick Cheney, who was the active orchestrator of the Iraq War, called for Hillary Clinton to be subpoenaed to testify before the oversight committee.  However, when it came time for Cheney to speak about his actions regarding Iraq, he ducked out citing “executive privilege.”

This time around could very well go the same way as last week, unsubstantiated and flimsy claims for nothing.

Joshua de Leon is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire.