Governor Rick Scott, has been hiding his conservative party’s real agenda on taxes, since his election. Just Florida’s Governor cuts taxes for the rich, again.

Governor Rick Scott, has been hiding his conservative party’s real agenda on taxes, since his election. Just exactly what is governor Scott doing with Florida tax payer’s money and why? Many concerned citizens have some ideas but not until recently, has anyone started to understand Scott’s real motivation.

According to Gary Fineout and Michael J. Mishak the governor has promised the rich corporations more tax cuts. In their article, Florida Gov. Rick Scott Hits Charlie Crist and Promises Tax Cuts, they wrote: “Florida Gov. Rick Scott, heading into what could be a tough reelection fight, used a Friday appearance before a conservative group to bash a potential rival while also calling for large tax cuts in the coming year.”

Take into consideration that, ”Florida is expected to have as much as $2 billion extra on hand next year if the economy continues to recover.”

Keep in mind that, Florida is second in lack of health insurance. How can Florida afford the tax cuts when they have turned down Obamacare? Will the needy not get health care?

According to the Tampa Bay Times, “Gov. Rick Scott is planning to cut business taxes further next year, announcing a new proposal Thursday to raise the exemption on corporate income taxes from $50,000 to $75,000. In his first year in office, Scott raised the exemption from $5,000 to $25,000, then followed up in 2012 by doubling the exemption to $50,000.”  

Rick continues his trickle-down economics rant by saying, “Today, I am proud to announce that in the upcoming legislative session, we will work to further eliminate the business tax for another 2,000 small businesses,” said Scott. “Everything we do must be tied to helping families get jobs, and eliminating this tax will ensure more small businesses can hire people.”

There are some more hints as to where the Governor is going with his plans. According to PolitiFact, “Scott plans to ask the Legislature to exempt the remaining 10,000 businesses that owe corporate income taxes in ‘2013 and beyond.’”

Karen Woodall, the executive director of the Florida Center for Economic and Fiscal Policy said, “Scott’s effort to reduce the corporate income tax is like former Gov. Jeb Bush’s phasing out the intangibles tax, which cost the state $2 billion in lost revenues” Woodall continued, “We’re not going to have adequate sources of revenue to meet the needs of the state”.

Katie Sanders said it well when commenting,”Scott has moved more than half of the businesses from the corporate income tax payroll, and he doesn’t plan to stop there. We’re moving his promise from Stalled to In the Works.”

Richard Andrew is a guest blogger for Ring of Fire.