Below are Ring of Fire’s top stories from the past week.

Video Rewind
North Dakota oil spill

Texas Pipeline Spills 17,000 of Crude Oil

A Koch-owned pipeline spilled 17,000 gallons (400 barrels) of crude oil in the town of Smithville, TX. yesterday. This incident marks the latest in a number of inland oil spills that have ravaged the continent. … Read more.


Video Outs Walmart’s Brutally Abusive Pork Supplier

Mercy for Animals, an animal rights nonprofit group,recently released a video, taken by an anonymous investigator, showing the brutal and extremely inhumane treatment of pigs by meat distributor Rosewood Farms. Rosewood Farms is based in Pipestone, MN. … Read more.

Endocrine-disrupting hormones

Everyday Products are Messing with your Hormones

Harmful chemicals are found in a wide range of products we encounter every day including plastic bottles, metal food cans, food, toys, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. While the debate over regulation of these chemicals builds, one watchdog group has released a list of what they call “The Dirty Dozen,” or the 12 most harmful hormone-altering chemicals, as well as how to avoid them. … Read more.

Natural gas pipeline - Arizona

US – Mexico ‘Natural’ Gas Pipeline Gets FERC Approval

The Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC) announced Friday that it will give tentative approval to a 60-mile natural gas pipeline along the Arizona – Mexico border. FERC’s draft environmental impact statement says that the pipeline would likely have adverse environmental impacts on nearly 1,000 acres of land in Southern Arizona, Law360 reports. … Read more.


Risky repair of Fukushima could spill 15,000x radiation of Hiroshima. Should the world intervene?

Does the planned November removal of the spent fuel rods stored at Fukushima’s heavily damaged Reactor 4 need a global intervention, or should TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co., a for-profit company) be allowed to go it alone? … Read more.


Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of FireYou can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.