Fast-food giant McDonald’s faced some harsh criticism this year after it offered its employees insensitive and personally intrusive economic advice. Now, the company recently doled out some more fiscal “wisdom” that goes beyond insensitive and intrusive to outright ridiculous.

Back in July, McDonald’s created and recommended a financial budget to distribute to all of its employees. Granted, this attempt could seem border lined helpful and with good intentions. But it was criticized many as merely being a guide to how bad the financial hardships of fast food workers really are.

These new pieces of advice are featured on an employee-specific webpage called “McResource” and were outed by labor group Low Pay Is Not OK. The group released a video outlining the absurd methods that McDonald’s recommends to its employees. In order to “help” their employees stretch their groceries, McDonald’s insisted that their employees “break their food into pieces” so as to get full quicker, ultimately requiring them to consume less food.        

For employees who are tight on money, McDonald’s thinks its a good, solid idea to sell “some of your unwanted possessions on eBay or Craigslist [to] bring in some quick cash.” To avoid building up stress and worry, the company recommends that workers plan and take two vacations a year, as if that’s really possible on an $8.25 per hour salary.

But in case too much stress surmounts, according to McDonald’s singing it away will curb stress and make everything all better.

“This is an attempt by an outside organization to undermine a well-intended employee assistance resource website by taking isolated portions out of context,” said the company.

Not matter what a McDonald’s employee does, however, just “stop complaining,” as indicated on McResource. Complaining is only going to make things worse, according to the website.

Below is the video created by Low Pay Is Not OK:

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.