The Steubenville rape saga, which recently saw the indictment of several adults from the community, wasn’t Deric Lostutter’s first punch at what we consider bullies. The 26-year old, self-taught coder and vigilante has been pursuing bullies and corruption for years. Coming from a troubling history of violence, Lostutter may be a prime example of vigilante justice in the digital era. He faces more jail time than the rapists he helped bring to justice.

Many disagree with Lostutter’s tactics. Not the least of which was the false accusations that a local school official was in possession of child pornography, which turned out to be untrue. Despite the backlash for the false allegations, the effect of the allegations and hellraising achieved what Lostutter had originally desired however, it turned attention onto the misjustice that was occurring in Steubenville.

In his own, life Lostutter experienced more than his share of abuse. According to numerous outlets Lostutter was abused at home and at school. He has a history of violent outbreaks that responded to bullying, whether real or perceived. After learning of the alleged rapes in Steubenville, and outraged that more attention wasn’t given to the matter, Lostutter donned his identity as KYAnonymous and recorded a video call to action. Within days, media was buzzing about the involvement of Anonymous in the Steubenville rape case.

Throughout the months that followed, tensions and aggressions grew in the town of Steubenville. The citizens of the town experienced heckling and harassment at the hands of individuals that claimed and were claimed to be associated with Anonymous. These practices led KYAnonymous to disavow some of the tactics and activities that had been reportedly occurring in the town and caused a schism between KYAnonymous and others in the Anonymous community. Anonymous vowed to dox KYAnonymous.

On June 6, 2013, David Lostutter unmasked himself and revealed his identity to the world. According to a report from Rolling Stone, this was in the face of pressure that his identity had been discovered.

Today, Lostutter awaits indictment. He is represented by Tor Ekeland. Ekeland is known for having represented other hacktivists in the past, namely, the late Aaron Swartz and the currently imprisoned Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer. These men faced charges under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and it is likely that Lostutter will too. Lostutter, for activities during the operations in Steubenville, potentially faces 25 years in prison.

Trent Mays received two years. Ma’lik Richmond received one year. Both may have to register as sex offenders when they turn 21.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.