A new study from the journal PLOS One found that prescription testosterone therapies may increase the risk of heart attack. Prescriptions for testosterone therapies have been rapidly increasing in recent years. This new study, in addition to one published in JAMA last year, has finally prompted the FDA to investigate the possible dangers associated with the product.

“It’s a truly tragic thing to see,” commented Brandon Bogle, an attorney with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the areas of personal injury and bad drug litigation. “Pharmaceutical companies will take something as natural as aging and try to turn it  into an illness for which they’re have a ‘cure’ to sell you.”

Lowered testosterone levels, or “Low T” as it is commonly referred to, can present in patients simply feeling the natural effects of aging. Individuals suffering from “Low T” will feel tired, sluggish, and may not feel as sexual. These natural effects of lowered testosterone levels present a unique opportunity to pharmaceutical companies. They are able to market a product that will increase acuity and sexual drive. This can be a very interesting combination for some men. But artificially increasing testosterone levels comes with dangers.

The research published by PLOS ONE explains that men 65 or older showed double the rate of heart attack within three months of beginning the hormone therapy. The increased risk was also present in younger men who suffered from heart disease.

Other factors can contribute to lowered testosterone levels as well. Factors like obesity, high alcohol intake, opiates and steroids can also decrease a man’s testosterone production.

However, rather than encouraging men to eat the right foods, be active and lay off the booze, pharmaceutical corporations will promote that men don’t have to make that choice. Instead, just use their capsulized manhood.

“The last thing that men who may be feeling the effects of aging or some other real disease need is a fake disease to believe they are suffering from instead of dealing with the true problem,” Mr. Bogle commented.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.