Video Rewind

Major Oil Companies Making Double Profits from Oil Spills

An investigation led by a former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) engineer and an environmental and civil rights attorney is uncovering evidence that major oil companies are being paid twice for cleaning up toxic oil spills. Multibillion-dollar companies like Chevron,ExxonMobil, and BP are being paid for cleanup efforts with state government funds and again, in secret, by insurance companies, Reuters reports.


South Carolina to Require Hefty Fees for Feeding the Homeless

The city of Columbia, South Carolina is taking its war on the homeless a step further. The city will now strictly enforce an old, rarely-used ordinance requiring groups of 25 people or more to obtain a permit and pay a hefty fee before gathering in a city park, partly in an effort to control groups who feed homeless people, the Free-Times reports.


North Dakota Fracking Well Leak ‘Out of Control

An oil well in North Dakota was leaking fracking fluids after a blowout on Thursday,Reuters reports. The well was out of control after a blowout preventer failed. A company spokesman estimated the well was leaking between 50 and 70 barrels of fracking fluid per day.


Papantonio: Left to Die in D.C.

Also this week, Mike Papantonio talked with David Haynes about the tragic fate of Medric Cecil Mills, Jr. Mills who suffered a heart attack across the street from a fire station in Washington D.C.. The station failed to respond and refused to provide assistance.


Papantonio: Corporations Refuse to Create Jobs

And Pap talks about what’s wrong with the notion that the billionaires and corporations are going to solve America’s employment hardships.