A new lawsuit regarding testosterone therapies has been filed in Pennsylvania regarding GlaxoKlineSmith’s testosterone therapy drug, Testim.

“More testosterone lawsuits are expected to be filed as AndroGel and other popular testosterone treatments, such as Axiron, Androderm, Android, Fortesta, Striant, Testim, Testopel, and Testred, have been linked to causing serious cardiovascular problems in consumers,” said Brandon Bogle, a testosterone heart attack lawyer with the Levin, Papantonio P.A.

NewsInferno reported that the plaintiff, a 67-year-old Pennsylvania man, filed the testosterone lawsuit after he suffered a myocardial infarction last spring. The man has no history of cardiovascular issues, and he and his wife said that the new health complications are a result of the testosterone therapy, Testim.

The myocardial infarction was caused by the “exogenously administered testosterone-containing medication Testim,” according to the lawsuit. Both GlaxoSmithKline and Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, the companies that makes the drug, are accused of knowing about the drug’s potential health risks, yet neglecting to properly warn patients.

Very similarly to AndroGel, produced by Abbott Laboratories and it’s subsidiary AbbVie, Inc., Testim is a topical testosterone gel often prescribed to men diagnosed with low testosterone levels. Another similarity between the two testosterone treatments is that AndroGel has also been linked to increased cardiovascular health problems.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced last month that it would launch an investigation into the connection between cardiovascular health issues and topical testosterone therapies.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.