The National Rifle Association (NRA) has never been afraid to be on the wrong side of history. After countless mass murders in recent years, the group doubled down on their efforts to put a firearm in the hands of every American, regardless of their mental state, and they’ve helped push racist “stand your ground” laws in every state willing to go against their better judgment. So when the NRA says that a group is being a little too “crazy” for their taste, you can bet that there is some serious mental instability taking place.

Recently, open-carry advocates have been taking it upon themselves to boycott businesses who ask patrons to refrain from bringing firearms into their establishments. But this isn’t a boycott involving signs and peaceful sit-ins; these nuts are parading around outside places like Chipotle restaurants carrying automatic assault rifles because they feel their 2nd Amendment rights are being trampled.

The issue at hand involves private businesses, like Chipotle restaurants, Sonic, and Chilis, refusing to allow customers into their establishments if they are carrying guns, even in states with so-called “open carry” laws. These are privately owned corporations and are well within their legal rights to deny entry to any citizen for any reason. No shoes, no shirt, no guns, no service – Pretty straightforward.

The images of men and women standing outside private businesses with assault rifles in hand is apparently too much for the NRA, and they issued the following statement on the matter: “Let’s not mince words, not only is it rare, it’s downright weird and certainly not a practical way to go normally about your business while being prepared to defend yourself.”

They further described the practice as “counterproductive for the gun owning community”, but also downplayed the significance by referring to these incidents as merely “hijinks.”

Open Carry Texas, the group behind the “hijinks”, immediately fired back at the NRA, claiming in a tweet that they had fallen in line with “gun control extremists”:

 photo OpenCarryTexas.jpg

Interestingly enough, the tweet implies that the NRA was actually relevant at some point in time. However, analyzing the group’s failures when it comes to political spending, they are one of the most impotent organizations in America, with a failure rate of 99% on political donations, and nearly 90% on legislative efforts.

Regardless of the NRA’s failures as a political movement, they’ve been hugely successful as a social movement. And that is why their alleged embarrassment over their nutjob followers is so absurd. They created these people. These are people who pay NRA dues each year and fund the organization’s activities. If the NRA wants to be embarrassed about someone’s behavior, they should feel that way about Wayne LaPierre. These wacko protestors are the NRA’s base, and you can bet that behind closed doors, the NRA is singing the praises of these assault rifle-carrying protestors.

Farron Cousins is the executive editor of The Trial Lawyer Magazine. Follow him on Twitter @farronbalanced.

Farron Cousins is the executive editor of The Trial Lawyer magazine and a contributing writer at He is the co-host / guest host for Ring of Fire Radio. His writings have appeared on Alternet, Truthout, and The Huffington Post. Farron received his bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of West Florida in 2005 and became a member of American MENSA in 2009. Follow him on Twitter @farronbalanced