The Tea Party created monsters in Jerad and Amanda Miller as their gun nut, ultra-conservative politics were the driving force behind the murders they committed in Las Vegas. The monsters they created was so great that the Millers were kicked off the Bundy ranch for being too extreme.

Jerad Miller was interviewed by KRNV-TV, a Nevada-based NBC affiliate, and made some very harrowing statements.

“I feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come in here and try to push us around or anything like that,” said Miller. “But if they’re gonna come bring violence to us, well, if that’s the language they want to speak, we’ll learn it.”

Not only were the Millers absolutely crazy enough to the point where the group that bred them washed its hand of the Millers, Jerad also had an extensive criminal history. Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, eventually had the Millers leave the ranch citing the Millers’ “very radical” views and criminal past.

Even GOP politicians are keeping their distance from the conservative-bred Jerad and Amanda Miller. John Boehner was asked if he thought the shootings were domestic terrorism. Of course, Boehner was unsure of what to say possibly afraid of associating terrorism with murders committed in the name of GOP politics.

“I — I’m not sure how I’d describe it,” said Boehner. “But clearly we had a couple of sick individuals who engaged in a horrific crime.”

We could help you describe it, Boehner. Two people committed an organized act of murder, terrorizing the greater public in the name of political ideologies. The people who committed it were domestic citizens of the country. Sounds safe to consider this an act of domestic terrorism.

The fact that Tea Partiers considered the Millers too extreme and crazy, even for them, should give some sort of clue as to how right-wing crazy the Millers are. And the GOP would do well to address the issue soon.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.