In July of 2012, Stryker Corporation issued a recall on the Rejuvenate Modular-Neck Hip Stems. Today, lawsuits continue to be filed against manufacturers for the injuries these products have cause.

“Stryker hip implants are known to cause significant damage to the patients using them,” commented Daniel Nigh, an attorney with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the firms bad drug and defect devices departments. “These products often produced serious side effects that the patients were not warned about and as a result they were forced to undergo extensive and often painful revision surgeries.”

These surgeries, called revision surgeries, were performed to remove the eroding stryker hip from a patient and replace it with a safer alternative. Side effects associated with the products  include infection and metallosis.

“The manufacturers are required by law to disclose dangers associated with their products to consumers and the FDA,” Mr. Nigh continued. “But it is too often the case that these manufacturers will try to minimize the risks they are aware of or just outright fail to disclose them.”

“When manufacturers fail to warn of the risks associated with their products, consumers are left to pay the price,” he said.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.