Renewable energy has been taking a strong hold in European countries as of late, stronger than what the United States has allowed. Since the first quarter of the year, renewable energy’s contribution to the British power grid has been increasing, reported The Guardian.

In the first quarter, renewable energy accounted for one-fifth of the total power grid. A recent British government study indicated that renewable energy source contribution sharply increased over the winter. The Guardian reported that onshore wind power increased by 62 percent, offshore wind power increased by at least 50 percent, and hydropower increased by 78 percent.

There has also been an increase in solar power stations and power, adding 1.1 GW of power to the grid in the year’s first three months. All of these technologies combined added a total of 20.8 GW of renewable power, a 15 percent increase from a year before.

Germany also announced significant increases in renewable energy, contributing to 28 percent of the country’s power grid.

These efforts to increase renewable energy sources in Europe come from goals established by the European Union to have 15 percent of the continent’s total energy come from renewable resources by 2020.

The EU is setting a grand example here. It’s not saying cut the carbon emissions, but rather increase renewable energy. Perhaps that’s the way that it should be done. With the increased efficiency that renewable sources have to offer, the use of fossil fuels should eventually be snuffed out as time progresses.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.