A lot of those useless Congressional members that prompted the lowest public opinion of Congress in American history will more than likely keep their seats, The Huffington Post reported.

“Despite the incredibly low polling, favorable ratings for Congress, it’s still an incumbent’s world,” said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

Voters have become very frustrated with the representatives and senators sent to represent them on Capitol Hill, and with good reason. Congressional members waste money and energy on campaigns that promise everything to win a position that delivers nothing. What’s most angering is that voters feel helpless to do anything about it, according to the HuffPo.

“I can’t get over where they say people are going to be able to keep their seats when they’re not doing their jobs. I just don’t understand it,” said Pauline Legendre, a retired Minnesota teacher.

The midterms look even more grim as House Republicans are expected to retain their majority in the House, as well as target the six seats needed for the Senate majority. Since five Senate Democrats will be retiring, the competition will be fierce.

Republicans stand a strong chance at winning Congressional seats in Louisiana, North Carolina, and Arkansas, along with having an advantage in open contests in South Dakota, West Virginia, Montana. Alongside the Senate, their outlook for the House is hopeful.

If any party should catch the brunt of frustration, it’s the Republicans. They have been responsible for a lot of the deadlocking and lack of progress in Congress, and the spinelessness of Democrats doesn’t help matters either. One such incumbent that has gotten flak from voters is Republican Rep. Joe Pitts (PA).

“I voted for Joe Pitts and all he’s told me so far up here is he’s powerless,” said Pennsylvania farmer Michael Appel.

However, despite Congressional inaction, candidates still press that if people want action, they should reelect the incumbent.

“I share their frustration,” said Pitts. “I understand they’re not as involved so they don’t understand a lot of it, but they have a responsibility to turn out next time if they’re concerned, because there are real consequences to these elections in public policy.”