Cliven Bundy is desperate to be back in the media’s gaze, it seems. Now that the media spotlight that was fixed squarely on him this spring has set its gaze elsewhere, he’s trying to say whatever he can to get people to pay attention to him.

“I don’t run cows on United States government land, I run my cows in the state of Nevada and Clark County,” said Bundy, according to the Elko Daily Free Press, at a Tea Party gathering in Elko, Nevada. “And besides, if the federal government says I owe, why don’t they give me a bill? And why don’t they collect that bill?”

Bundy is clearly itching for another chance at a government standoff.

In April, armed vagrants amassed to stand with Bundy and oppose the federal government. Bundy owed the government $1.1 million in unpaid land grazing fees. At that time, the Bureau of Land Management came and tried to collect on the debt. It resulted in an armed opposition from far-right wingers.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.