A customer service employee named Tony worked at Bank of America for 11 years as a customer service associate and is speaking out against the unfair practices he says he was forced to be a part of at Bank of America, according to Salon.

Along with other employees, Tony is petitioning for the bank to correct these practices.

From Salon:

Bank of America has had more complaints filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau than any other American financial institution, according to a July report from Mother Jones magazine. And according to Tony, many of those complaints could be fixed with better training for workers, who instead feel squeezed, wanting to provide good service to the customers they talk to daily and on the other hand scapegoated when something goes wrong. Tired of the inadequate training they receive, tired of watching associates get fired for mistakes they didn’t know were mistakes, tired of feeling like they’re hurting customers rather than helping them, a group of around 40 workers got together to try to make, in Tony’s words, a positive change.

The practices that Tony and the other workers are working against include failing to disclose important information to clients of the bank, trying to sell credit cards to people that just don’t need them and hiding fees.

“That’s the kind of thinking that sunk this economy,” Tony told Salon.

“Coming forward to expose wrongful conduct of a major corporation, like Bank of America, can be a daunting task” commented Christopher Paulos, an attorney with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the areas of qui tam or whistleblower and false claims act litigation. “Whistleblowers, brave people who step forward and speak up like Tony and his colleagues, play a vital role in protecting consumers from corporate malfeasance.”