The midterm elections packed the Senate and House of Representatives with nutjob Republicans. But just how crazy are they? Right Wing Watch compiled a list of the five, ludicrous conspiracy theories that have been elected into Congress.

The first one belongs to Joni Ernst, whom Ring of Fire has reported on times before. Her craziness extends beyond building relatability on castrating pigs and saying people should go to church for help instead of the government. Ernst, among many other right-wing kooks, have been making up crazy things about Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 is a sustainability action plan created by the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. The plan is completely voluntary, but Ernst thinks the government will eventually use Agenda 21 in land grab operations, forcing people off their land and into large cities.

Arkansas Republican Tom Cotton just won his place in the U.S. Senate this week and thinks ISIS is in cahoots with the Mexican cartels.

According to Cotton, “groups like the Islamic State collaborate with drug cartels in Mexico who have clearly shown they’re willing to expand outside the drug trade into human trafficking and potentially even terrorism. They could infiltrate our defenseless border and attack us right here in places like Arkansas.” The conservatives are paranoid and delusional.

Right Wing Watch also noted that conservatives love resorting to religiously-fueled spook stories about the end of the world. Jody Hice was just elected to the House, and he thinks blood moons are signs of “God’s impending judgement against America.” Naturally, he links it to LGBT and reproductive rights.

Nevermind that blood moons are just naturally occurring events that happen every autumn around the equinox. Hice thinks God is so angry that he’s turning the moon an orangish, red color. Below is the recording of Hice being nuts:

The next piece of GOP insanity includes Hice and another newly-elected House Rep. Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin. Grothman thinks that the American public schools want to recruit kids to be gay. that there is an “agenda which is left unsaid is that some of those who throw it out as an option would like it if more kids became homosexuals.”

And then there are the anti-Christ predicting Republicans like Ryan Zinke of Montana who said that Hillary Clinton is the anti-Christ.

“We need to focus on the real enemy,” said Zinke. Hillary Clinton is the “anti-Christ.”

The list of conservative-held conspiracy theories is a mile long. These, originally brought by Right Wing Watch, are just the ones that have made it to Congress. This is a problem. But the voters wanted Republicans. You get what you pay for.