“Burn this bitch down!” shouted Michael Brown’s stepfather, following the announcement that Darren Wilson would not face charges for the killing of unarmed Michael Brown.

Peter Kinder, Missouri’s Lieutenant Governor, said that he thinks Michael Brown’s stepfather should be arrested and charged with inciting a riot for those emotional remarks.

On Laura Ingraham’s conservative radio show, Kinder was asked how he felt about the stepfather’s actions.

“When you heard that sound-bite from the stepfather of Michael Brown, what was your reaction?” asked Ingraham.

“That he should be arrested and charged with inciting to riot,” said Kinder.

“Why hasn’t that already happened?” Ingraham questioned.

You can listen to the entire conversation between Ingraham and Kinder below.


Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.