While corporate media has all but handed Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential nomination for 2016, progressive groups are fighting for Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to throw her hat in the ring.

MoveOn.org is the latest group to join the push and is prepared to spend $1 million on a campgain to get Warren to run, according to the New York Times.

Ilya Sheyman, MoveOn.org’s executive director, said the group was planning to open offices in Iowa and New Hampshire and set up a website, “Run Warren Run,” that would allow the senator’s supporters to sign a petition urging her to enter the race.

“We want to demonstrate to Senator Warren that there’s a groundswell of grass-roots energy nationally and in key states and to demonstrate there’s a path for her,” Sheyman said, adding that MoveOn’s effort was not working with Sen. Warren’s camp.

Sen. Warren has, however, said several times that she has no intention of running, a sentiment her camp reiterated.

“As Senator warren has said many times, she is not running for president,” said Sen. Warren’s press secretary about MoveOn’s new effort.

The fact that Warren appears to be uninterested in being president right now hasn’t seemed to stop the movement growing among progressive voters who don’t trust Clinton and her ties to Wall Street and corporate America.

“MoveOn.org is set to survey its eight million members for one day starting [today], with the expectation that they will affirm its support of the effort to nudge Ms. Warren into the race,” reported the Times.

MoveOn said that this particular effort was unrelated “to any other candidate,” but said that its members want a nominee who fits the concerns of progressive voters.

“Voters are looking for bold solutions about how to fix a rigged system in which middle- and working-class families are falling behind,” said Sheyman.