Rudy Giuliani, former New York City Mayor, blames the killing of two NYPD officers over the weekend on anti-police “propaganda” which he believes is caused by President Obama, reported ThinkProgress.

“We’ve had four months of propaganda, starting with the president, that everybody should hate the police,” said the former mayor on Fox News. “The protests are being embraced, the protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, a lot of them lead to violence, all of them lead to a conclusion. The police are bad, the police are racist. That is completely wrong.”

Giuliani is, of course, referring to the nationwide outcry for justice following the non-indictments of the officer who killed Michael Brown in Ferguson and the officer that killed Eric Garner in New York City. Garner’s death was even ruled a homicide by the New York Medical Examiner.

Since the officers were killed on Saturday, a flurry of conservative politicians and talking heads have flown to their death like vultures, using the incident for their rightist purposes. They blamed everyone from current New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Attorney General Eric Holder for “inciting the kind of anti-police fervor that led 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley to ambush and murder two officers.”

Granted, the actions of the shooter were motivated by the injustice surrounding the death of Eric Garner. However, it’s foolish to think that the incident was prompted and encouraged by President Obama, Mayor de Blasio, and AG Holder. The shooter obviously already had a screw loose, and he committed a horrible act by shooting two officers while they sat in their patrol car.

In fact, this incident should be further proof that the relationship between police and the community needs to be realigned and fixed. And there are certainly race relation issues that are alive, well, and need to be fixed for the safety and life quality of the citizens and police officers alike.