During an interview with AM 970 radio host John Gambling, former New York City Mayor and failed presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani said that President Obama should emulate comedian Bill Cosby, who has been accused of sexually assaulting numerous women over the span of decades.

“I hate to mention it because of what happened afterwards,” said Giuliani, “but [Obama should be saying] the kinds of stuff Bill Cosby used to say.”

Giuliani also blamed Obama for the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson earlier this week and a fight between several teenage girls in a Brooklyn McDonald’s on Monday.

“It all starts at the top. It’s the tone that’s set by the president,” Giuliani said, adding that Obama ignores an “enormous amount of crime” committed by African Americans. “It is the obligation of the president to explain … that our police are the best in the world.”

Giuliani also told Fox News yesterday that not indicting former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown was the right decision and that Wilson deserved to be “commended” for his actions, Politico reported.

“The police officer did his duty,” Giuliani said. “The police officer should be commended for what he did. He did exactly what you should do.”

Again blaming the Obama administration, Giuliani said the president’s comments combined with the recent report from the Justice Department created an “atmosphere of unbalance” that led to the shooting of the two police officers.

Watch video of Giuliani’s comments to Fox News below, and click here to listen to his interview on AM 970, posted by Mediaite.