Australia’s University of Queensland is offering a free online course to explain climate science and its denial to the public, DeSmogBlog reported.

The seven-week course, Denial 101x, features leading climate scientists, psychologists, and science historians explaining “everything from the fundamentals of climate change science, to the techniques used by climate science deniers and the psychologies of denial.”

Course developer John Cook told DeSmog:

Our course isn’t about specific individuals because climate misinformation is like a renewable resource, recycled repeatedly by many individuals – it’s a pity we can’t harness energy from climate science denial.

We’re countering any misinformation that distorts the science of climate change. We debunk a number of myths that downplay the existence of global warming, that deny humans are causing climate change and that seek to downplay the severity of climate impacts.

So our approach is to look at the empirical scientific research into the psychology of denial, and address general myths and misconceptions.

Watch videos from Denial 101x and click here to enroll in the course.