Supporters of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle have issued threats of rape and murder to former RT reporter Abby Martin, reported RawStory. The threats are in response to criticisms Martin has made about Kyle and his murderous exploits.

“Some psychotic Chris Kyle fane just doxxed me & my family’s personal information on a bunch of sniper forums,” wrote Martin on her Facebook page. “If anything happens to me or them you know who to blame. These are the real fucking terrorists.”

Martin’s statement points out a striking irony concerning the threats against her. Those wanting to rape and kill her in the name of Chris Kyle are probably “patriotic” Americans who supported the Iraq War because they thought it was some righteous act of good. Now, these “defenders” of freedom and liberty want to murder and rape someone expressing their American liberty of free speech.

They are also angry that Martin wore a t-shirt that says “Fuck Chris Kyle.” Martin has pointed out that Kyle went on a sociopathic killing spree and considered Iraqis to be mere “savages,” another thing that she has criticized Kyle for.

She also criticized the “American Sniper” film saying that it’s “dangerous propaganda that sanitizes a mass murdering psycho.” However, RawStory noted that it was the shirt that sent a bunch of bloodthirsty Kyle supporters over the edge.

Some have even sent violent messages directly to Martin.

“Fucking cunt. How dare you disgrace his name like that. He gave his life so you can have yours. Fucking bitch. Don’t worry I know where you live thanks to your ip address. And don’t worry I’m a marine,” said Jamie Hugo to Martin. “So u won’t see me coming. I’m going to cause you pain beyond your imagination. Tic toc times running out.”

Other than being terrifying and pathetic, the main thing this outrage illustrates is hypocrisy. It’s hypocritical to support Kyle, a man these people defend as a savior who killed to save American lives and freedoms, and simultaneously threaten murder and rape against someone using those freedoms.

Martin’s opinions didn’t fit their narrative and belief system. So, instead of engaging in a conversation about the matter, they want death. These people only further prove that pro-war right-wingers are bloodthirsty animals whose minds are devoid of a single rational thought.