New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has wasted approximately $300,000 of his government-issued state allowance on food and alcohol since 2010, reported New Jersey Watchdog. Nearly a third of that money, about $82,000, was spent on concessions at NFL games.

During the 2010 and 2011 NFL seasons, Christie spent $82,594 of taxpayer money on food and beverages at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The state of New Jersey gives Gov. Christie a $95,000-a-year expense allowance. That amount does not include his $175,000 annual salary.

Despite the dubious nature of Christie’s spending habit as noted by documents released under the Open Public Records Act, the governor’s office said the money was used on special events.

“The official nature and business purpose of the event remains the case regardless of whether the event is at the State House, Drumthwacket or a sporting venue,” said Christie’s press secretary Kevin Roberts.

According to New Jersey Watchdog, Christie also spent $102,495 on groceries and alcohol at retail stores. The reason for the purchases remains unknown. Christie visited Wegmans Food Markets and spent $76,373 on 53 trips. He also spent $6,536 just on alcohol at ShopRite’s liquor stores.

Granted, several thousand dollars were spent to cater state-sponsored events. However, more was spent on what seems to be personal favors than anything else, and the governor’s office has remained fairly silent on the matter.

“New Jersey taxpayers have every right to know where their hard-earned money goes,” said Democratic state Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo. “Any governor who makes a responsible and appropriate use of this expense account should have no objection to complying with what’s required under this bill.”

Is Gov. Christie wasting a taxpayer money in a taxpayer-funded expense account? It sure seems like it, especially since most of the purchases were made a grocery and liquor stores, as well as professional football games. Christie’s presidential aspirations are still questionable. We don’t need another wasteful spending Republican as president.