New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) said that he won’t run for president next year because the voters of New Jersey want him to stay, reported Talking Points Memo.

“They want me to stay,” said Christie. “A lot of those people in that 65 percent want me to stay. And I’ve heard that from lots of people at town hall meetings. ‘Don’t leave to run for president because we want you to stay.’”

Christie was referring to a Quinnipiac poll that showed 65 percent of New Jersey voters think Christie would be a terrible president. Citing the poll, Megyn Kelly of Fox News asked Christie why we shouldn’t trust the poll.

After Christie’s answer, Kelly said “but they say you would not make a good president.”

“I think people hear the question they want to hear,” said Christie. “The fact is that polls in New Jersey will go up and down as well.”

He continued saying that he’s “bounced back and forth in the five and a half years because I do things — because I do things of consequence that people either agree with or disagree with.”

Christie is obviously quite delusional. He has been accused of orchestrating the closure of the George Washington bridge because the New Jersey mayor whose city lands the bridge wouldn’t lend support to Christie. Several of Christie’s former aides have implicated Gov. Christie as the mastermind behind the bridge’s closure.

Naturally, Christie denies ever designing such a plan and blames other parties as responsible.

Recently, New Jersey public records show that Christie has spent over $300,000 of his yearly expense allowance on food and alcohol. He spent $82,000 on concessions at NFL football games during the 2010 and 2011 seasons. That’s a lot of beer and chicken wings.

Most New Jersey adults think Christie was involved in the Bridgegate scandal. All signs point to his involvement including circumstantial evidence and testimony from those close to Christie. And the exposure of Christie’s wasteful snack spending make Christie look like a fiscal nightmare.

It’s not that New Jersey voters want Christie to stay, they’re just stuck with him until his term expires.