A criminal complaint against Tennessee minister and former Congressional candidate Robert Doggart was recently unsealed, and the details of Doggart’s plot to violently attack a Muslim community in upstate New York are upsetting.

According to Talking Points Memo, through March and April, Doggart ”discussed his plans to burn down a mosque, a school and a cafeteria … with other individuals in Texas and South Carolina both in person and by phone, according to the complaint. Court documents showed Doggart discussed employing a variety of weapons in the attack, including M-4 military-style rifles, pistols, Molotov cocktails, explosives and [a] machete.”

Doggart also used Facebook to plan his attack.

“The Operation in mind requires by <20 expert gunners,” read one post. “[The target] is vulnerable from many approaches, and must be utterly destroyed in order to get the attention of the American People. If you are volunteering and can show for a face-to-face meeting of these patriots, then we would welcome your skill set.”

Despite involving multiple people, several deadly weapons, and very specific plans, the mainstream media has basically ignored Doggart and his cohorts. Since Doggart was white and Christian, it’s easy for the media to simply brush him off as a loon.

If the situation were reversed and Doggart were a Muslim man planning to attack a Christian community, Fox News would be blaming President Obama for the Islamification of America, and CNN would not cover anything else for weeks.

But Doggart isn’t some uneducated loon, screaming conspiracy theories from the rooftop. He has a Ph. D. from La Salle University, served in the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, and worked in the electrical generation business for 40 years, The Daily Beast reported. He, along with the other men involved, knew exactly what they wanted to do.

“We will be cruel to them. And we will burn down their buildings,” Doggart said in a conversation recorded by the FBI, “and if anybody attempts to harm us in any way … we will take them down”

He also said that while he hoped to survive the attack, being killed during it would be “a good way to die.”

Doggart pleaded guilty to “one count of making threats via the phone, and he will be fined up to $250,000 and spend as much as five years in prison,” if a judge approves the deal.

He was not, however, charged with terrorism-related crimes.

The FBI managed to stop Doggart and the nine other men he was working with before they were able to carry out their plans, but where was the press conference announcing the arrest? Why weren’t press releases sent to all the major news outlets? Why did the mainstream media all but ignore this terrorist attack?

Oh, wait. That’s right — Doggart is white and Christian. Never mind.