The state of Arkansas investigated Josh Duggar for his sexual crimes in 2007. However, Duggar filed a lawsuit against the Arkansas Department of Human Services for the investigation, reported RawStory.

Springdale police didn’t prosecute Duggar after allegations that he molested several girls surfaced in 2002. The police did refer Duggar’s case to the Arkansas Families in Need of Services (FNS), which reviews crimes against juveniles. The FNS looked further into the allegations, and then the Arkansas Department of Human Services began an investigation.

Duggar filed a lawsuit against the DHS, and there was a trial in August of 2007. The details of the DHS investigation and the trial remain unknown because they are sealed.

An online petition has been launched calling for the increased scrutiny of the Duggar family regarding the sexual assault allegations against Josh Duggar.

Allegations against Josh Duggar first occurred in 2002, the year that Duggar’s dad, Jim Bob, was running for the U.S. Senate for the state of Arkansas. Part of Jim Bob’s platform was that the crimes of rape and incest should only punished by the death penalty. That is, until he found his son was committing both crimes.

At that point, he turned 180 degrees and attempted to cover up any evidence and prevent the allegations from spreading. He only had an Arkansas state police officer give a “very stern talk” to Josh. That police officer is now serving 56 years for possessing child pornography.

The Duggar nightmare is just getting worse. Investigate the entire family and get everything over with. Seeing this gunk in the headlines everyday is getting tiring.