Hillary Clinton’s left-ward shift was designed to appeal to progressive Americans. She has taken shots at Wall Street bankers, the very people who support her, and Wall Street isn’t happy about it reported Bloomberg.

“There’s something wrong when hedge fund managers pay lower tax rates than nurses or the truckers that I saw on I-80 as I was driving here over the last two days,” said Clinton in April.

“People aren’t getting a fair shake,” she said a month later. “Something is wrong when CEOs earn more than 300 times than what the typical American worker earns and when hedge fund managers pay a lower tax rate than truck drivers or nurses.”

Despite her recent cries against Wall Street financiers, Clinton has been known to consort with the group that she is criticizing on the campaign trail. Now, one hedge fund manager is calling Clinton out on her phoniness.

“I don’t need anybody crapping all over what I do for a living,” said Leon Cooper, a billionaire hedge fund manager. “[Clinton] hangs out with all these people in Martha’s Vineyard and in the Hamptons and then the very first thing she has to say is to criticize hedge fund managers.”

Cooper founded Omega Advisors hedge fund and regularly contributes to Republican election campaigns.

Clinton has been criticized for her cozy relationship with Wall Street financial institutions by fellow Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. She even has family ties to Wall Street as her son-in-law is the founding manager of the Eaglevale Partners, LP hedge fund.

When Clinton ran for president ran for president in 2008, Wall Street contributed over $20 million to her campaign. Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein reportedly said he’d be okay if either Clinton or Jeb Bush won next year.