Fox News is in tatters following the leaked news that Pope Francis’s encyclical will discuss the “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem: and the need to make changes to combat the growing threat of climate change.
Tuesday night, on The Five, host Greg Gutfeld couldn’t contain himself. He went off making claims of Pope Francis’s “Marxist” background and alluding to the fact that he considers the pope the most dangerous man on the planet.
“And that is what the pope is doing. He doesn’t want to be your grandfather’s pope. He wants to be a modern pope. All he needs is dreadlocks and a dog with a bandanna and he could be on Occupy Wall Street,” said Gutfeld.
“He is a Malthusian. He is in bed with Malthus. He believes that the that the earth is overpopulated… and remember he said Catholics have to stop breeding like rabbits? Do you remember where that came from? That’s a Malthusian belief. And Malthusians believe that the Earth is overpopulated and it would be nice if there were a few billion people less. How does that happen? Global warming,” he said.
Watch the whole segment below.