This just about sums up the news that Donald Trump has announced his candidacy: Sarah Palin is one of his biggest fans.

“Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements,” Palin said, reported Huffington Post. “This, in contrast with the pro-big government party’s practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate.”

It isn’t the first time Palin has praised Trump. She’s said that they both have a love for America in common and desire to see the economy put in the right track.

On her Facebook page, Sarah Palin wrote:

Mr. Trump should know he’s doing something right when the malcontents go ballistic in the press! There is no denying Donald J. Trump’s accomplishments and drive to create opportunity for every willing American to succeed. His own success is a testament to the job-creating achievements made possible when one applies the courageous and tenacious pro-private sector precepts we need to fire up the economy. …

Congrats, Trump. Now you have the whacko far-Right on your side.