Nine people were shot and killed in a historically black church by a self-identified “lone wolf” named Dylann Roof. Roof claimed that the motives behind his crime were rooted in the fear and hatred of black people. The same fear and hatred that fueled much of the sorrow of the civil war. Despite needing to end its flying of the Confederate flag, generally, the South Carolina State Capitol flew the Confederate flag at full-staff while lowering the American flag to half-staff.

The blatant disrespect of South Carolina to elevate the Confederate flag over the American flag, especially after such an incident is based in law in South Carolina.

The Washington Post reported that while the Governor, Nikki Haley can order the state flag to be lowered to half-staff, the State’s General Assembly controls the Confederate flag.

“You know 15 years ago, the General Assembly at the time, they had a conversation. The Republicans and Democrats and everybody came together on a consensus to bring the Confederate flag down off of the dome, and they put it on the monument out in front. … I think the state will start talking about that again,” Haley said to CBS This Morning.

The state needs to do more than simply consider moving the flag. The state should not fly the confederate flag in the first place. It belongs in a museum, not flying over any capitol.