The Republican presidential race looks like a jumbled, hilarious mess. As more Republicans join, the race is getting sad, the latest being New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

The Huffington Post reported that a source close to Gov. Christie said the governor will officially announce his candidacy on Tuesday. Once Christie makes the announcement, that will make 14 Republicans seeking the nomination. Meanwhile, the Democratic race only has four official candidates.

The HuffPo reported that Christie has been testing the presidential waters in Iowa and New Hampshire. Apparently it went well enough for him to seriously consider throwing his hat in the ring.

Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, George Pataki, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, Donald Trump, Bobby Jindal, and now Chris Christie are all running for president. Is there a stage big and strong enough to showcase all of the idiocy?

At the most, maybe four of those candidates have a chance of getting the Republican nomination. The other 10 candidates are a laughingstock or an utter trainwreck. One thing is certain, campaign finance laws allow presidential candidates to keep their contributions whether they win or not.

Thanks to Citizens United, money raised through political action committees (PACs) can be used for personal use. Even if a candidate loses, he or she still enjoys a massive payday before going back to whatever high-paying position they had before running.

The Republican presidential landscape started off normally, became weird, then hilarious, and now it’s just pathetic. There has to be some candidates who know they don’t have a chance and are just looking to make some money.