In less than two weeks, a second player from the Florida State University football team has been arrested and suspended from the team for striking a woman. This problem with FSU football players is becoming far too common.

FSU running back Dalvin Cook was suspended indefinitely from the football team after being charged with assaulting a woman at a bar in downtown Tallahassee. On Friday, he turned himself in to police and bonded out Saturday morning. Witnesses said the confrontation began when the victim, Madison Geohegan, refused to go home with one player to have sex.

Geohegan said that FSU wide receiver Travis Rudolph got uncomfortably close to her. Feeling threatened, Geohegan pushed Rudolph. Cook intervened, asked why she pushed Rudolph, and then punched her several times in the face. “She did not know how many times she was struck, but she fell back against a black Jeep parked along the roadway,” officer Jerritt Federico wrote in an affidavit.

The incident involving Cook occurred on June 23, one day before FSU quarterback De’Andre Johnson was caught on video violently assaulting a young FSU female student at a bar. Between Cook, Johnson, and former FSU quarterback Jameis Winston, it seems like committing violent assaults is a requirement to play football at FSU.