The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign is catching on with Americans on both sides of the political aisle. Many on the right, and a few on the left, believed that Sanders’ description of himself as a “democratic socialist” would be a death sentence for his campaign, but as it turns out, most American voters – regardless of their party affiliation – support the very ideas that Sanders is talking about on the campaign trail.

2016 could very well prove to be the election that transcends political parties, uniting both the left and the right against corporate powers that hope to buy our elections and make politicians into puppets. As Steve Cobble, co-founder of the Progressive Democrats of America, tells us in tonight’s show, the momentum building behind progressive causes and candidates is something we’ve never before seen in modern politics, and it is a great indicator of what’s to come in American politics.

Watch our discussion on this on tonight’s Ring of Fire TV. Click here to chat live with others or watch below.