Donald Trump thinks the U.S. “should have invaded Mexico” rather than Iraq, according to reports about a recently told an audience of conservatives in Hollywood.

The statement came amid Trump campaigning through Phoenix, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. One of Trump’s platform principles appears to be subjugation and scapegoating of Mexico and Mexican immigrants. According to Trump though, the media is simply lying about how he has portrayed immigrants during his speeches.

During his announcement speech, Trump remarked that immigrants crossing the border were criminals, rapists and drug dealers.

His latest comments were made Friday night to the group Friends of Abe, with Ann Coulter in the audience, according to LA Weekly. Other members of Friends of Abe include Clint Eastwood and Gary Sinise.

“The problem is the country of Mexico has leaders that are far smarter than our leaders. Far more cunning than our leaders,” Trump said in an earlier speech at the Beverly Wilshire. “Their negotiators are much better than our negotiators. And they’re sending people into our country, that we don’t want, but we take. And that they don’t want.”