Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton blasted the New York Times for the way the newspaper reported on Clinton’s email investigation, reported the Huffington Post.

“There have been a lot of inaccuracies,” said Clinton. The New York Times originally reported that inspectors general at the State Department and the Intelligence Community asked the Department of Justice (DOJ) to launch a criminal probe to determine if the emails were mishandled.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Justice Department officials both have stated that no criminal probe was requested. “The Department has received a referral related to the potential compromise of classified information,” said the DOJ in a statement. “It is not a criminal referral.”

Clinton took a jab at the New York Times‘ inaccurate reporting. “Maybe the heat is getting everybody,” she said. “We all have a responsibility to get this right. I have released 55,000 pages of emails, I have said repeatedly that I will answer questions before the House committee.”

The New York Times made a correction to the massive error on Friday and issued a statement. The article, “using information from senior government officials, misstated the nature of the referral to the Justice Department regarding Hillary Clinton’s personal email account while she was secretary of state.”