Is it possible that even some of the GOP base is finally understanding that something must be done in America regarding access to guns? Governor Bobby Jindal said Sunday that John Russell Houser, the gunman who killed two people and injured nine at a Lafayette, Louisiana, “shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.” The reason. Houser had a history of mental illness and a criminal background, yet this information did not show up when Houser went to Alabama and purchased the gun. Jindal even acknowleded that every state should strengthen their laws so the information is being reported on a national database readily available to all persons selling guns.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, echoed Jindal’s remarks, stating that he needs Republicans to agree to expand the background check system. Manchin previously worked with Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pennsylvania, to do this in 2013, but the bill was voted down in the Senate. Sen. Joe Manchin stated: “It’s not gun control, it’s just saying that, listen, if you go to a gun show, commercial transaction, we need to know who you are and if you’ve had a problem before.”

For more information on this story, click Jindal: La. shooter “shouldn’t have been able” to buy gun, as reported by CBS.