Not only is Chuck Norris alive and well but a lot of people don’t even know that he is a crazy far-right winger. There’s just about no end to the conspiracy theories that he’ll endorse. And now, he is going after Hillary Clinton with his latest wack-job theory, which is a lot like his old theory.


In a post on WorldNetDaily, Norris wrote:

President Bill Clinton signed the Motor Voter Bill into law and none other than Richard Cloward and his wife, Frances Piven, were standing behind him as he did. Even Wikipedia explains that Cloward was a “primary motivator” for the passage of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 known as “Motor Voter,” which forces states’ department of motor vehicles to offer voter registration. Sounds so benign, right? Hold on.

What’s not surprising is how the “Motor Voter” law has morphed to incorporate more Cloward-Piven-Clinton strategies. For example in Oregon, legislators have just enacted a subsidiary law that registers a person to vote when they obtain or renew a state driver’s license. That might sound all fine and dandy, too, until one realizes that a stone’s throw away in neighboring states like California, they are doling out licenses to 1.5 million illegals over the next three years. How long will it be until California’s Motor Voter laws extend voting rights to illegals, too?

And California is not alone. Nevada and Washington – also butting up against Oregon’s borders, have also joined the ranks of states offering access to driver’s licenses despite immigrant status. And don’t forget Hawaii, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Illinois, Vermont, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware and Washington, D.C., which are also a part of that non-citizen driver’s license distribution union, according to the National Immigration Law Center.

You see, it’s not a coincidence either that these new drivers and voters, who have flooded and are still flooding into our country through porous borders, are also at the heart of plan to overload the U.S. welfare system under the Cloward-Piven strategy. As Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa told WND: “I do feel this attempt to flood the border with illegals is a playing out of the Cloward-Piven theory.

You see, it’s a win-win-win-win-win-win to socialist Cloward-Piven progressives like Obama and Hillary. Illegals flood the country; illegals get driver’s licenses; illegals get voter rights; illegals get welfare benefits; illegals overload the U.S. welfare system; illegals keep progressives in office, who crown the Cloward-Piven strategy and the fundamental transformation of America as a victory.