On Wednesday, the Drudge Report ran an article questioning whether Pope Francis might actually be the Antichrist due to his “stand on homosexuality, Islam, capitalism, and the New World Order.”

As evidence that it isn’t alone in its suspicion that Pope Francis is the antichrist, Drudge Report cites an article from Charisma News that points to how many search results turn up in Google for the given query:

If you type “is Pope Francis antichrist” into Google, you’ll get about 425,000 results in .37 seconds. By way of comparison, if you ask Google the same question about Pope Benedict you only get 137,000 and it takes a little longer—.47 seconds.

This is all piggybacking on the latest conservative trend of hating Pope Francis because he has put forward a view that is critical of many of the values conservatives hold so dearly.

Could Francis be the final pope before Christ’s return? Could he be the Antichrist? Is he the False Prophet? The chatter continues.

Here’s what we know: More than 50 years ago, a Jesuit priest predicted the resignation of Pope Benedict—to the day—and now Tom Horn, who worked with Cris Putnam to unveil a 900-year-old prophecy buried in the library at the Vatican that describes a series of 112 popes, and others are looking at his research. “Was he divinely inspired? Was he demonically inspired?” Horn asks. “Because we know demons know things about times and dispensations, too.”

These are strange days in which we live. How do you feel about the Pope’s stand on homosexuality, Islam, capitalism and the New World Order?