A new study conducted by European researchers indicates as to why individuals view outlandish conspiracy theories as truthful, reported Medical Daily.

According to Jan-Willem van Prooijen, associate professor in social and organizational psychology at VU University Amsterdam, people who become conspiracy theorists tend to feel a lack of control over their personal lives. Believing bizarre ideas helps these individuals regain a sense of personal control.

“When I started this research, one of the things that I really found astonishing was how many people believe in certain conspiracy theories,” said van Prooijen.

Van Prooijen found that societal speculations arise during times of communal turbulence, and that in turn causes massive public fear. In order to make sense of complicated current events, conspiracy theorists tend to make unrealistic connections to contemporaneous occurrences. Van Prooijen said “The sense-making leads them to connect dots that aren’t necessarily connected in reality.”

“We found that if you give people a feeling of control, then they are less inclined to believe those conspiracy theories,” said van Prooijen. “Giving people a sense of control can make them less suspicious over governmental operations.”

Jade Helm 15, a conspiracy theory that the military is going to take over the country and institute martial law, is a prime example of preposterous speculations created by a fearful public. They have unfounded terror of total government control. Jade Helmers are taking up arms and they remain watchful of the operation, which in actuality is just a military exercise, because they are in fact motivated by fear.