In the wake of Josh Duggar’s sexual abuse scandal that caused the cancellation of the show 19 Kids and Counting, father Jim Bob is pitching a spin-off to TLC where he counsels victims of sexual abuse. 

According to various reports, the Duggar family wants to do a spinoff show related to Breaking the Silence, an upcoming documentary on child sexual abuse set to air on TLC on August 30 which features the two girls who were molested by Josh Duggar. The Duggars are hoping to piggyback on the documentary’s expected popularity to get approval for their proposed show. Some close to the Duggars say the family is looking to make up the loss of TV income so they can continue to support their 19 children.

“The family can’t afford to not have the show – it is their main source of income, and with a family of that size, without it they’re in enormous trouble,” said a family friend. “They know they have to at least pretend to be sorry about what happened, and now they want a spin-off where Jim Bob and Michelle would give advice to abuse victims – even though they’re in denial about their culpability in Josh’s crimes.”

When TLC cancelled 19 Kids and Counting, the Duggars said they were “heartbroken” and started a petition to have TLC reinstate their contract and the show. It’s highly unlikely that TLC will pick up Jim Bob’s pitch, so they may have to try other networks. It’s unlikely other places will pick up their idea either unless it’s an ultra conservative, Christian, family value station.