Subway fired famed pitchman Jared Fogle after rising expectations that Fogle will plead guilty to child pornography possession charges, reported the Huffington Post.

Fogle is expected to enter a plea on Wednesday regarding charges of child porn possession. He’s also accused of paying a 16-year-old girl for sex, according to an affidavit filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Many of the details related to the investigation weren’t readily available by law enforcement authorities.

In the months leading to Fogle’s expected plea, authorities raided the home of Russell Taylor, former executive-director of the Jared Foundation, a group that combatted childhood obesity. Taylor was charged with seven counts of production of child pornography and one count of child porn possession.

On Tuesday, Subway sent a concise tweet announcing that the company had officially severed all ties with Fogle.

Fogle and Taylor are both looking at some serious prison time.