Remember when Carly Fiorina praised Hillary Clinton during the 2008 election race? Well Fiorina apparently doesn’t. A video and audio clip of Fiorina, now a Republican presidential candidate, has surfaced showing Fiorina speaking very fondly of Clinton, as detailed in a story on BuzzFeed.

“She was a great candidate. She has helped millions of women all over this country. Women of any political party owe a debt of gratitude to Hillary Clinton and I will bet that every woman up here agrees with me,” said Fiorina.

“I have such great admiration and empathy for Hillary Clinton,” Fiorina says in the video. “I have great admiration for her because I know what it takes in some small measure to do what she has done. She is obviously incredibly intelligent, focused, tough, determined, empathetic of all the tens of millions of people that she was trying to represent in her quest to become the first woman president of the United States.”

“And as a woman, I take great pride in the fact that Hillary Clinton ran for president. And I also watched with a lot of empathy as I saw how she was scrutinized, characterized, talked about as a woman,” continued Fiorina.

“While I think woman have made great progress in so many ways I also known from personal experience that women in positions of power – particularly bold women – who are trying to drive change as Hillary Clinton must surely is…bold women, women in power are characterized, scrutinized differently than their male counterparts are.”

That’s a lot of praise for someone who Fiorina now hates and claims to be a horrible person and unfit to become the President.

An audio clip also has surfaced with Fiorina saying that Clinton was a victim of sexism during the 2008 election.