Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gets the most Fox News airtime out of any other GOP candidate, reported Media Matters. This exposure is largely because of Fox News CEO Roger Ailes’ effort to help Trump and keep the network’s ratings high.

From May 1 to July 31, Trump had a total of four hours and 45 minutes of airtime on Fox News. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) only had three hours and 21 minutes of airtime exposure. Ben Dimiero and Rob Savillo of Media Matters wrote that “constant presence on Fox News has likely aided his rise to first place in Republican primary polls.”

“[Fox News] has caused a rift among conservative media figures, including within Fox News,” they said. “Last month, New York magazine reported that Rupert Murdoch had asked Fox News head Roger Ailes to have the network ‘back off the Trump coverage,’ which Ailes refused to do.”

There is a reciprocal relationship between Fox News and Trump. The network gives Trump plenty of media exposure to air his racist grievances, and Trump gives rating to Fox News. It’s a relationship that has created a vile Republican political landscape.