A new poll shows that most African Americans prefer the slogan “all lives matters,” rather than the popular “black lives matter,” reported The Hill.

According to the Rasmussen poll, only 31 percent of black people prefer the slogan “black lives matter,” while the majority, 64 percent, say “all lives matter” falls in line with their personal beliefs. Of all respondents, 78 percent prefer “all lives matter” including 81 percent of whites and 76 percent of all minorities.

During an event in New Hampshire, Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley told a group of Black Lives Matter protesters that “all lives matter” and received a heavy backlash. He later apologized for the statement.

“That was a mistake on my part and I meant no disrespect,” O’Malley said. “I did not mean to be insensitive in any way or communicate that I did not understand the tremendous passion, commitment and feeling and depth of feeling that all of us should be attaching to this issue.”

The BLM group said that the slogan “all lives matter” is a “violent statement” because people usually say that slogan “in opposition to Black Lives Matter.”