Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s (R) Tea Party tax experiment is officially an utter failure. The Obama administration has added 715,000 jobs this summer, but the state of Kansas is losing employment, reported Addicting Info.

Brownback and his Republican state legislature passed extreme tax cuts for the one percent and 191,000 businesses are completely tax exempt. This hasn’t worked. The only result was businesses getting richer, while the lower and middle-class shoulder more of the tax burden. Some school districts don’t have enough money to stay open for an entire school year. Brownback is a failure.

In July, the state of Kansas lost 4,000 jobs, while the national job average increased. AI noted that Brownback doesn’t blame his policies. He blames schools for being greedy and welfare recipients. Kansas is losing money everyday, while businesses and one per-centers get filthy rich from the tax breaks.

Kansas’ plight is the very definition of income inequality, a failed experiment of trickle-down economics. It’s the perfect example of what’s going on at the national level. Trickle-down economics doesn’t work, and Kansas is the proof.