Two new reports have come out in recent days showing just how violent the United States has truly become.

The first study, which comes from The University of Alabama, shows that the United States has had at least 90 mass shootings over the last fifty years where four or more people were murdered. This doesn’t include robberies or hostage situations either – this only counts gunmen who go on shooting sprees. These 90 mass shootings make up an astounding one-third of all mass shootings that took place across the planet during that 50-year span.

The second study, which isn’t so much a study as it is a warning, comes from the FBI itself. According to a leaked Intelligence Bulletin, the FBI has warned officers that right wing extremist groups have begun targeting Mosques and Muslims in the United States. According to the report, many of these extremists have conducted surveillance of “diverse locations including Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, Montana, New York, North and South Carolina, Utah, and Texas,” with some groups hoping to train their members for combat with the so-called Islamic State.

The fear being drummed up by the right wing media is what’s driving this violent, anti-Muslim extremists in the US, and the fact that the FBI has this on their radar shows how serious the problem is becoming.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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